Introduction to Printmaking
Introduction to Printmaking
16+ | limit 6 students | 12-3 Tuesdays and Thursdays | Start March 4 | $300 | All Materials Included
Available spots
Learn basic printmaking techniques including Monotype and Linocuts -Student will explore various printmaking techniques, with a focus on creating Monotypes and Linocuts. -Student will explore the proper ways of preparing printmaking paper for image. - Student will learn the proper and safe way of using various carving and etching tools while exploring this importance of mark making when creating image. -Student will explore the viscosity of printmaking ink and proper clean up methods for oil based inks. -Students will learn to print by hand using Baren; as well as 12” wide intaglio press to create embossing. Week 1-Introduction to the history of printmaking. -Introduction to notable visual artist who are printmakers -Exploring Monotypes -Printmaking inks and solvents -Preparing Printmaking Paper -Exploring Linocuts -Intro to printmaking Baren and intaglio press Week 2-Work on composition for monotype -Printmaking Paper-identifying water marks, measuring and tearing paper with deckled edges -Exploring ink visocity and using Brayer and Baren. Week 3-Work on composition for linocut -Transfer image to plate -Carving image linoleum plate Week 4-Finish planning and carving out image from linoleum plate -Inking plate -Printing image -Intro to printmaking press -Transfer image from plate to paper Week 5-Finish printing image -Drying image, (numbered, titled, signed) -Matting finished image
cancellation policy
If we do not meet minimum registration, class will be cancelled and students will be given a full refund. If registration occurred through our website, refunds will be issued through PayPal/Square minus a small PayPal/Square administration fee. Otherwise, a check will be mailed to you in approximately two weeks. If a student has to withdraw from a class five or more working days before the class is scheduled to begin, a refund will be issued minus a SAM $20 administrative fee. If a student withdraws from a class five working days or less before a class is scheduled to begin, the class fee will not be refunded.
contact us
Spartanburg Art Museum, 200 East Saint John Street, Spartanburg, SC, USA