36 artists + 28 fiberglass light bulbs = 300 square feet of public art
Lighten Up Spartanburg is a large scale public art project that bolsters the cultural vitality of downtown Spartanburg, expands the local economy through tourism, provides opportunities to local and regional artists, and fosters connections between local businesses and the arts.
bulb locations
Please zoom in and out of the map to view bulb locations. This map was last updated June 2021.
Some bulbs have been repurposed and recycled and no longer exist. Several bulbs are located at Duke Energy's World of Energy in Seneca, SC.
bulb archive
At the end of the Lighten Up Spartanburg! project, several bulbs were recycled, repurposed, or returned to their artist and no longer exist in their original form. This photo archive preserves these pieces of public art as they debuted in their original locations around town.
thank you to our sponsors